Summer Collections and more

Monday, November 15, 2010

A little Peachy-tidbits

I'm Peach.
Here's some Peachy-tidbits for you to know:
I love pickles, not just any pickles. The large fat ones in the five gallon jar of Kosher Dill Pickles. Mmm..
I'm a relaxed sort of person, I only stress on the important things.
Peach is me though I really hate the fruit. All fuzzy and gross. Peach fuzz. Interesting enough, there's an ASL (American Sign Language) sign that deals with Peach fuzz. It's where you take your right hand, place it near your cheek and go down to your chin, indicating that you have "peach fuzz" facial hair. I have a friend, Adam who's deaf. That's his sign for me. Peach. 

Well I'm getting off topic. 

I first got into jewelry making, you could say at an early age. Though I wasn't very good at it. It wasn't until after high school when I first started making unique jewelry designs. I hardly make any two the same. 

The same could be said for my hand designed cards. I do have a few that are similar and yet different. I shall have to post some of those another time....

Back to the basics: Designs by Peach is about uniquely designed jewelry: bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and earrings. Special requests are taken sometimes. I rarely give any of them away.

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